26 months ago, I got this crazy idea to write 26 flash fiction stories, each titled after a letter of the alphabet. I would publish one story each month over the course of 26 months until I got from A to Z.
Believe it or not, it actually happened. I'm happy to announce that all 26 stories are available to read for FREE on Wattpad! Check out "A Spoonful of Stories" here.
Table of Contents:
- An Armful of Armadillos
- A Batch of Bugs
- A Cornucopia of Candy
- A Deluge of Demons
- An Excess of Emotions
- A Flurry of Footsteps
- The Gift of Giving
- A Horde of Horses
- An Icon of Incorruptibility
- A Jar of Jokes
- A Kettle of Kimchi
- A Labor of Love
- A Multitude of Mothers
- A Nexus of Nonsense
- An Offering to the Ocean
- A Pile of Parachutes
- The Quest for Quiet
- A River of Rain
- A Smidgen of Sorcery
- Towers of Turtles
- An Unprofitable Unicorn
- The Village of Vampires
- A Wealth of Weekends
- Xeniatrophobia on Xmas
- A Year of Youth
- A Zest for Zombies