May 22, 2019

Spoilers, anyone?

Two of the most anticipated finales that I can remember recently aired: Avengers: Endgame and Game of Thrones. Despite the numerous fan theories about how both series would end, the studios kept the endings a secret. Even the casts weren't aware of how the finales would play out until near the end. Amazingly, in both cases, the veil of secrecy worked. I, for one, did not hear about what would happen in the finales until they aired.

Once Avengers: Endgame and the final episode of Game of Thrones were released, however, all bets were off. You couldn't get out of the way of spoilers if you lived a somewhat normal life, i.e., one where you used the Internet or talked to other people. In my case, I was lucky to have watched Endgame on opening weekend, so the Monday morning office conversations didn't spoil anything for me. Not so with Game of Thrones, where I didn't watch the finale on the Sunday night when it aired and was promptly spoiled Monday morning by radio DJs. (Yes, I still listen to the radio, but that's a different topic for another time.) It's a good thing I'm not too bothered by being spoiled. I didn't expect things to turn out the way they did, but I'm not as displeased as some fans seem to be.

How about you? Did anyone spoil Avengers: Endgame or Game of Thrones for you? If so, what was your reaction?

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