July 10, 2021

How I read 100 books in a year

I call myself an avid reader and writer, but truthfully, I spend a lot more time reading than writing. Last year, I read over 100 books, and I'm on pace to read over 100 books again this year. When I tell people how many books I read, they are often amazed. That may be because the average American adult reads 12 books a year. They ask me how I'm able to read so many books, and I tell them it's because I just love reading. While that's a simplistic answer, there are some things I do that help improve the number of books I read. 

  1. Spend a lot of time reading - This may sound obvious, but spending time reading means not spending time doing other things, like going out to parties or watching TV. Fortunately, I'm not the party-going type. I do watch some TV, but I limit the amount of time spent in front of the screen. My main source of entertainment is (no surprise) reading.
  2. Read multiple books at once - Most of the time, I have two or three books that I'm in the middle of reading. Reading more than one book at a time helps me because if I get to a slow section in one book or just want something different, I can switch to another book. I also advise reading books that aren't too similar. Not only does it give you a break from what you're reading, but it's less confusing to switch books. Earlier this year, I read two high fantasy books at the same time and had a lot of difficulty remembering which characters belonged to which book!
  3. Log the books read - If you're the type who's motivated by seeing the counter increment on the number of book you've read, this is a good strategy to keep you going. I record my books read on Goodreads, and I like seeing how I'm progressing against the yearly goal I set for myself in January.
  4. Create reading challenges - Since 2015, I've participated in the annual Goodreads reading challenges. Before that, however, I set up my own reading challenges and continue to do so. For example, some of my favorites that I've documented on this blog include the Authors A to Z challenge and the Reading Outside the Box challenge. This year, I embarked on the Goodreads Choice Awards challenge.

If you want to read more books, try out some of these strategies. If there are others that you employ to help you read more books, please share in the comments. Happy reading!

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