November 5, 2011

Searching for the next Hunger Games

I've written before about how great I think the Hunger Games trilogy is. Since then, I've read other books in the genre, hoping to find a worthy successor. The closest I've come is Neal Shusterman's Unwind and James Dashner's Maze Runner trilogy. IMHO, Unwind was the superior book, but Maze Runner came closer to re-creating a world similar to Panem. I've also read some recommendations in the genre that were disappointing, most notably Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking trilogy. Despite its good reviews, the story never grabbed me so that I couldn't put it down, mainly because I thought the characters were hard to believe in and sometimes acted irrationally given the circumstances they were in.

If anyone has other suggestions for books similar to the Hunger Games trilogy that I should read, let me know!

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