September 2, 2019


Did you know that Dr. Seuss invented the word "nerd"? Or that John Milton came up with "pandemonium"? Charles Dickens coined words such as "doormat" and "boredom" (no comment on the irony of the latter), and many words in the English language can be attributed to Shakespeare. The reason I mention these words invented by authors is that I've started using a new word of my own invention: famblooey.

What does "famblooey" mean? Think of the best place you've ever been for vacation. That place was famblooey. Imagine the most delicious meal you've ever had. It was famblooey. Your favorite book? Yup, famblooey. Synonyms for famblooey include "awesome" and "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." However, "famblooey" isn't as atrocious, but I can't guarantee that you'll sound precocious when saying it.

So the next time you encounter something that you thought was too wonderful to describe with words, now you can; it's famblooey! You heard it here first! :-)

May you have a famblooey day!

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