May 22, 2021

Returning to normal?

It's been a difficult past fourteen months for everyone, no matter where you live. Who knew back in March 2020 that the specter of COVID would still loom large in May 2021? Fortunately, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, where the pandemic situation is under control more so than in many other parts of the world. With the initial rush over, vaccines are becoming easier to get, and our state continues to take precautions that make me feel safe.

I still haven't dined inside a restaurant or gone to a movie theater since before the pandemic, but there are definitely signs that we're slowly returning to normal. A couple of months ago, my gym reopened, for example. However, nothing has been a bigger sign of hope for me than our local public library opening again. 

The library isn't offering all of the programs it used to yet, but that doesn't matter. I'm finally able to walk among shelves of books again! You don't know how much I've missed that. I was also glad to return the books that I had checked out before the pandemic, books that I've hung onto for over a year! Who would've thought I'd be able to keep library books for so long without a late fee? :-)

I'm looking forward to resuming other activities I enjoyed before the pandemic, but the library was a big step forward.

May the COVID situation where you live improve as well. Stay safe!

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