March 23, 2012

To review or not to review

Up to now, I haven't posted any formal book reviews on this blog. I've mentioned some books I read, like the Hunger Games trilogy (loved it) and The Stand (hated it), but there have been no posts dedicated to reviewing a book. That's about to change.

There are a few reasons why I want to start posting book reviews now:
  1. I believe that reading should be a big part of a writer's life. Reading more makes me a better writer. Therefore, any blog about my adventures in writing should also talk about what I'm reading.
  2. When I read a book I enjoy, I want to tell the world about it. This applies even more to indie books because they can really benefit from the publicity. But regardless of whether the book is indie or traditionally published, I want to promote the author who did such a wonderful job writing it.
  3. I think writing reviews will be fun and a nice change of pace on this blog.
Note that bullet #2 implies that I will only write reviews for books I like (4 or 5 stars out of 5). I don't want to be in the business of trashing books I dislike if one of my goals is to promote them. So if you start wondering why all my reviews are 4 or 5 stars, now you know!

I already have a book lined up to review. It should be up in a couple of days. Stay tuned.

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