January 5, 2013

Authors A to Z reading challenge

In 2013, I am taking on a reading challenge that I call "Authors A to Z." During the course of the year, I will read 26 books written by 26 authors, each of whom have last names beginning with a different letter of the alphabet, starting with an author whose last name begins with A and finishing with one whose last name begins with Z. (I'm nervous about finding an author with a last name starting with X. Any suggestions?) Some of them will be authors I know with books already on my TBR pile, but I expect to read new authors who I wouldn't have chosen to read if not for this challenge.

As I read each book, I will also post a review, so that's a minimum of 26 book reviews this year. Because I'm reviewing every book in the challenge, I will likely break my rule of only posting reviews of books that are 4 or 5 stars. The rule still applies to reviews for books that I read outside of the challenge.

Excited? Want to join me in your own Authors A to Z reading challenge?

Let's get started! The first book in the challenge is: Feed by M.T. Anderson.

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